Monday, September 13, 2010

Back on Track.

OK, so I have been off plan for two weeks now. My father lost his battle with Cancer 6 days ago. In the days leading up to his death and the days following, I reverted back to old habits, used food as a comfort tool, drank alcohol, and ate out at places I now that I shouldn't. All of the meals that were sent to my house from friends were so wonderfully home cooked and appreciated.

But I know what my why is, health and more time on this earth to be with my loved ones. I can not stop or excuse my way back to the old me.

I have not felt good physically, or mentally while eating horribly. I have not been sleeping well, but I am not sure if that is because of the stress over my father or not eating right. Maybe both.

I am excited to get going again. I have a lot of snacks and other foods around the house that I know I don't want. I am not throwing them away, because we still have family and friends coming over ans surrounding us with love. I am strong enough to leave them alone, because I know why I am doing this.

I needed to simply make the decision and flip the switch. So here we go on the second leg of my journey. If you have slipped and are back to some bad habits, figure out your why. Why are you trying to get healthy, talk to your health coach and let everyone know that you are on program and making healthy decisions to support the new Habits of Health that you have chosen to adopt.

If you don't have a health coach yet, and you are ready to learn the habits of health, I invite you to join Trudy and I on this amazing journey to better your life. You can reach me anytime on my cell. 503-998-8021 Won't you join us?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Droped the weight and feeling great! Options!

OK, so I have now gone from 403 down to 270.5 and I am feeling great. I am sad because I am passing some of the people closest to me in my life. I had an amazing weekend with my kids while Trudy was at a convention in Dallas.

I took the kids down to Sweet Home (Oregon, not Alabama!) for the weekend to visit family, and for the Sportsman's Festival. We hit the parade, went hiking, went shooting, watched a great fireworks display and went swimming at Foster Lake a couple times. We hit Enchanted Forest on the way home.

Something occurred to me on my way home while the kids were sleeping in the back seat. I went fishing a couple times on the Santiam river while I was there. I have gone fishing several times this year, but something was different.

Normally in years past when I would go fishing, I would come home and pass out in my Lazy Boy recliner, so doing anything with the wife and kids was out for the day. Now I have options and my day isn't over. I can go fishing, come home, clean up and take Trudy out on a date, or take the kids to a baseball game.

No longer do I have to choose whether it is going to be a Jason day or a family day. It can be both. Because of the state of health that my body is in, I don't have to come home and pass out. I still have options and energy left over to carry out additional activities.

I used to come home from work and take a nap every evening, and it took a very major event or planned activity to pry me from my Lazy Boy. Now I come home, cook dinner, and go for a bike ride, or a walk around the neighborhood.

I want to share this with you, because I am no longer wasting my life away in front of my TV. I am now capitalizing on experiences that I would have otherwise missed out on. How sad is it that two thirds of America is overweight. We all have the option of living our lives the way it was intended. I am just finally realizing it.

My relationship with my children is like a brand new friendship. My marriage is new and fresh again because we have all of these new friends and experiences that we have added to our lives. I can't put into words the way that I feel. I can't wait to see whats next. I still have a ways to go, but I am sooooooooooooo happy that I made this decision. I am thankful that now instead of sacrificing one or the other and choosing between my hobbies and my family, I have options!

Monday, March 22, 2010

New pics, new accomplishments!

First off, I appologize that it has been so long since I posted. I needed to post today because I have a new pic I want to share with everyone. I have now lost 97 pounds and I am so close to that 100 pound mark I can taste it.

Trudy, Ashley, my Mom and I recently did the Shamrock walk. It was a 5k (about 3.5 miles) that took us along Portland's waterfront, across the Willamette, down the Eastbank Trail and back across the river to the finish line. We were all so proud od this accomplishment.

Something like this would not have been possible four months ago. Trudy is already talking about a half marithon in October. To be honest I hope that I have a hunting trip that will get me out of it. But I wish her the best:)

So 97 pounds gone has taken me from a pant size of 48 down to a 40, and from a 5x t-shirt down to a 2x. I have been buying clothes off the rack, and NOT IN THE TALL AND FAT SECTION of the store. It is amazing how affordable clothing can be when you arent buying the extreme sizes.

Everything in life is easier. Please don't take this litely. every aspect of daily living is so much easier. Tying my shoes, standing up, playing with the kids, doing chores, getting in and out of our vehicles, EVERYTHING!! I was bored on Saturday, so I dug out the gutter guards that I brought home over a year ago and installed them in my gutters. I never used to volunterily take on projects, even 1 hour ones like this.

Let me know what you think of the pics and if you know anyone that is struggling with things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type II diabetes, or any other common problems associated with being overweight. please let them know that Trudy and I are here to help others experience all the joy in life that can be experienced when you re-introduce health.

My cell number is 503-998-8021 please feel free to call me with any questions.

Health & Happiness,

Jason Ping (Big Guy No More)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Anticipation and excitement are what I am feeling right now. Trudy and I have truly begun our journey to helping others. This carries great hopes and responsibilities. We have seven clients now that look to us to coach them on their paths towards a healthier lifestyle.

I am excited to see them begin the transformation that has done so much for Trudy and I. I can't wait to get the weekly calls reporting how much weight has been lost and how much better they are feeling.

I am down over 60 lbs. now and I am really beginning to feel more fit every day. I am working out at the gym, and I can actually breath when I am doing my cardio. While working out, my heart rate is more stable and lower than I can ever remember.

This summer is sure to be filled with a whole new set of activities for our family. We are scouting out hikes, and activities that were not possible for us in summers past. It is my hope that other people can find the joy in life that comes along with health. I have now added 10 years to my life by losing sixty pounds. That means so much more to me now that I am excited about the future.

If you, or anyone you know would like information about what we are doing, drop a line, we will be glad to share with you.

Jason 503-998-8021
Trudy 503-998-8305

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

50 Lb. milestone hit in two months!!

Wahooo! I went in to Kaiser to weigh in today, and I passed a huge milestone. I am down six pounds this week for a total of 52 lbs. in two months.

I am finally feeling confident that I am going to reach my ultimate goal and keep this weight off for the rest of my life.

There were a couple of weeks that I lost less than 5 lbs. so I went back to the mindset that I had when I first started the program, and the proof is in the pudding. Literally, I love the pudding. But seriously, I lost six pounds this week by drinking more water, sticking to a strict schedule of when I am supposed to eat, and I didn't miss any meals.

Trudy took some left over pork roast that we had and grilled it up with some peppers and lime juice last night, and it was a fantastic meal. Cucumbers with salt and lime in a bowl, and some broccoli and cauliflower for an appetiser. Great job.

If anyone is having trouble coming up with a healthy meal plan for their lean and green meals, give Trudy a call, she seems to be getting a handle on this whole healthy cooking concept.

I told myself when I started this program that if I hit 50 lbs. I would go off program and eat Chinese food to celebrate, but I have changed my mind, I have a whole lifetime ahead of me to eat the things that I want, after I get my body where I want it to be, so I am rewarding myself with sticking to being healthy. I guess that's why this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. On a diet, you are not allowed to eat Chinese, I am making a decision and choosing not to eat it.

If you want to join us on this amazing journey, don't hesitate, drop us a line.

Have a great week everyone,

Jason Ping

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Down 43 Lbs. Even with the Holiday parties.

So I think that I have attended about 8 Holiday parties within the last couple of weeks. I found that if there was coffee, I was not tempted to go off of the plan. There was one party where i had a couple beers. I could have been more prepaired and brought my own drink, but to be honest, I didn't mind having the beers.

The absolute hardest temptation was last weekend. I was dishing up a slice of pumpkin pie for my son, and there it was. The holy grail of Holiday deserts; A HOME MADE PEACAN PIE. I almost had to leave the party.

A quick chat with Trudy and I was over it.

Trudy has some great surviving the Holiday tip sheets if anyone is interested. I am down 43 Lbs. now. I had to go out and buy some new clothes. It is amazing what a difference I feel in my clothes.

About two weeks ago people really started noticing my weight loss. It seems now that everywhere I go people are telling me how great I look. Which amazes me because I still weigh 360 Lbs. It doesn't get old though. I loof forward to seeing my relatives that I usually only see once a year. They are mostly very fit people and they have always shown great concern for me.

My cousin Kathy just died this year. I think she was 35. She was heavy all of her life, and had many health issue including Diabetes. I miss her dearly. But she is part of many different thing that motivate me to continue to do my best and stick with it.

I am looking forward to the new year, we have several friends that are going to start the program after the first of the year. If you or anyone you know wants to join us, drop a line. 503-998-8021

Happy Holidays,

Monday, November 30, 2009

Still goin strong. Down 36 lbs!

So Trudy and I sent our kids down to the coast with my parents for a week. So we were all alone. We did well I feel. On Thanksgiving we took Chopper, our dog, out to the 1000 acres trails by Lewis & CLark state Park. We hiked out to the Columbia River, it was probably about two miles. Did I mention that it was poring down rain. We came home and had our dinner, it was different than any other Thanksgiving dinner that I have ever had.
After that we went over to our friend's house to visit for the evening. They had some pretty tempting deserts out, but Trudy made sure than we both stuck to our commitment and didn't cheat.
On saturday we took Chopper and the guns up into the Cascades for some exploring and fun. We hiked around the back side of Frog Lake Reservour. We followed the path of the spillway down into the forest, hopped on a couple different deer trails, and eventually made our way back up the other side of the spillway and back to the car.

Three hikes in a week, my feet were killing me yesterday. Today of course made it all worth it. I weighed in and I lost six pounds this week. I am down to 367 lbs from 403. That is 36 lbs since October 27th if my math is on.

It is strange to think that in a few weeks, or sooner, that I could be down below 350 Lbs. I know that this will happen before Christmas.

If you want to see how Trudy is doing with all of this, check out her blog at you can always email or call me with comments or questions.

Thanks, I will post again next week.